Collection Car Auction – No.20
Collection Car Auction – No.20 will be taking place from Monday the 23rd to Sunday the 29th of October.
These auctions are in collaboration with Yahoo! Auctions (ヤフオク – pronounced “Yahoo Oku”), a popular online auction platform in Japan which is operated by Yahoo! Japan.
This auction consists of a BMW E30 325i M-technic, a modified Nissan Silvia Varietta, as well as 3 desirable Japanese sport bikes, a Yamaha’s flagship 2-stroke of the 80s and 2 Honda CB750.

Lot 2 2000 Nissan Silvia Varietta
To see all lots please visit
To follow the auction please visit here (Japanese text only)

Lot 3 1986 Yamaha RZV500R
While Japanese residents have the opportunity for direct bidding, individuals outside Japan can actively participate by utilizing proxy bidding, allowing us to place bids on behalf of potential buyers abroad. We require those interested to fill in a form with their desired maximum bid, details and signature.
If interested please email to receive the form.

Lot4 Honda CB750Four
An alternative way to participate is by using Buyee, a proxy bidding service provider that allows non-residents to personally bid on auctions on Yahoo! Japan. To access this service, you must complete the registration process and undergo user identity verification.
If interested please visit to learn more about the process.
*Buyee will publish the auction specific page once the auction has started.

Lot5 Honda CB750F